How do I get started at Bridge Kids?
Time invested now builds character for the future. Help your child anticipate and expect to learn as he or she arrives in class. Check in begins 15 minutes prior to every weekend service (or special event). Children need to be picked up within 15 minutes after the Service or event has finished.
Consistent attendance in Bridge Kids helps your child identify and begin building relationships with the team members and other children. Also please try to check your child in at the beginning of service. It is difficult for a child to get involved after the class has already been in progress. He or she may feel left out and uncomfortable. However, late comers are always welcome!
We will not add your child to our database or rosters until a yellow registration form is completed. You can have the form emailed to you prior to your first visit or you can complete it when you arrive.
What are your security procedures?
The safety and security of your children are our highest priority!
Everyone who works with your child has had a criminal background check, references called and been screened through Megan’s Law and county court records.
When you arrive, you will check in each child at our automated check in stations in the Bridge Kids lobby. A nametag will be printed for each child, as well as a security pick up tag for the parent. You will sign your child out at the classrooms. No child will be released on their own. We also require that only parents pick up their children. We will not release to an older sibling without written authorization, even if they have the pick-up tag.
If you are needed during the service, we will text you that your child needs you.
The bathrooms in the Bridge Kids hallway are reserved for children only. They are locked at all times. Our Kids Ministry team members are trained to open the door completely, check the entire restroom (including behind the doors) before allowing your child to enter. The adult then waits just outside the bathroom door until your child is ready to return to their classroom.
Our goal is to keep our child-adult ratio within the safe guidelines to ensure the safety of your child. If this ratio is exceeded when you admit your child, we request that you stay until additional assistance arrives. Additionally, we have cameras that view and record all areas of our building except inside the bathrooms.
What about siblings in the classroom?
It is much healthier for each child to adjust in an age-appropriate environment. Therefore, we ask that each child attend their own age level class rather than being placed in a class with their sibling.
What is your wellness policy?
Please bring your kids to Bridge Kids only when they are well, since illnesses spread very quickly among children playing together. Please do not bring your child if they have had a fever or diarrhea, or any other contagious symptom within the last 24 hours. Please do not drop your child off in the classrooms if they have a runny nose. If your child becomes ill when in our care, we will text you immediately. Please understand that we cannot give your child any kind of medication (including teething lotion). Thank you in advance for helping us keep our Bridge Kids program a healthy place for all.
While it is impossible to eradicate every germ/bacteria we do make every effort to make our rooms as clean and sanitary as possible. All surfaces in all rooms are sanitized daily with a xxxxx sanitizing spray. All toys are stored in a special room where they are sanitized after each use.