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Nathaniel's Hope MAKE 'm SMILE is a festival for the community that celebrates kids and adults with all types of disabilities, our VIPs – who have Value and Incredible Purpose!

Saturday, Sept 28
11am - 3pm

The Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College

7075 Campus Rd, Moorpark

Family Entertainment • Games • Characters • Animals • Food
Helpful Resources • Tons of Smiles!


for VIPs!

Registration is required.

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Our Buddy Break team has been busy planning the event to create a fun atmosphere for the VIPs and their families.
But many hands are needed on the Make 'm Smile volunteer team — the Smile Team!

Thur Sept 26, 5:30pm

Help load the truck at church. Contact

Fri Sept 27, 11am-5pm
Set up at the Zoo. Register below.

Sat Sept 28
7:30-11AM Set Up
9:30AM-3:30PM Event Volunteer

(Greeter, Registration, Snack Shack, Game Booth, Family Support…)
2:30PM-5PM Tear Down

Register below.

If you would like to donate snacks for the Snack Shack,

here are some suggestions:

individually wrapped granola bars, crackers, gold fish, fruit snacks, popcorn, juice boxes, small water bottles 

​Please bring to the collection box in the church lobby by Sun Sept 22.

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