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The Bridge Student Ministries — Connecting Students To Jesus

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6:30-8:30PM / Youth Room

Hang-out time 6:30-7:00

Game, Worship, Bible, Small Groups 7:00-8:30pm

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5:30-7:30pm  /  Youth Room

Doors open at 5:15 for hang-out time

Beyond Sundays

Our hope is that our high school students grow and share their faith not just on Sundays but in all areas of their lives. FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meets regularly on high school campuses and provides opportunities to connect with other Christian students who can help them grow in their faith. For information one when your campus meets:

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When a student has trusted Jesus as their Savior, their next step should be baptism. We offer baptisms at any of our summer beach days and throughout the year during our regular services. Contact Susan if your student wishes to be baptized.

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One week during the summer, both Middle School and High School students travel to Camp Pondo in the San Bernardino Mountains for a week of worship, study, wild and crazy games, swimming, activities and more! It’s an awesome time to get closer to God and create life-long friendships. There are fundraisers throughout the year to provide scholarships so that everyone who wants to go, can go!

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We are developing opportunities for our students to serve our community and beyond as well as learning to share their faith with others.  

Watch for details in our bi-weekly newsletter and Remind app.

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There are many events during the year for Middle School and High School students – sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter and Remind app to get details as they develop!

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In addition to being committed followers of Christ, all of our adult team members have gone through extensive background check and additional training to ensure the utmost safety for all of our students whether on church campus or away events. 

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